Carlos Peña

Web and Game Developer

Click the terrain and drag it to rotate it!

This model is generated, animated and rendered procedurally in realtime using JavaScript and Three.js

Who am I?

I'm Carlos Peña, a Full Stack web and game developer. I started this journey when I became interested in C# programming while I was in high school and learned how to use the Unity game engine. You can click the following cards to see the technologies that I've used.



Modern apps developed taking into account perfomance, SEO, and server side rendering!

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Vue
  • Nuxt
  • GraphQL


REST APIs development using the following tools:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Nest.js
  • Prisma (ORM)
  • Sequelize (ORM)
  • Laravel
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

3D and Gamedev

Fundamentals in 3D modelling and Game Development!

  • Blender
  • 3D modelling fundamentals
  • 3D texturing fundamentals
  • Unity
  • C#

Work Experience

Qanta Media

Full-Stack Developer

Jan 2022 - May 2024

Establishment Labs

Full-Stack Developer

Jan 2022 - May 2024


Full-Stack Developer

Jun 2021 - Jan 2022

+3 years of experience

Do you want to know more?

Download my resume here!


no description

October 2023 - March 2024

I helped the company Establishment Labs® to build the Mia Femtech™ website from scratch using server-side rendering.

Front-End | TypeScript | Vue | Nuxt

no description

February 2022 - May 2024

I helped the company Establishment Labs® to develop multiple pages and features for the Motiva® website.

Front-End | Back-End | Wordpress | JavaScript | Vue | React | Laravel | MySQL

animated image of the evolution simulation

March 2023

A simulation of biological evolution running in the browser. The simulation features a grid where each pixel represents a creature with a simple neural network.

Front-End | TypeScript | React | Next.js

Vista de la página principal del aula virtual. Muestra un menú de navegación azul arriba y un tablero de control eléctrico abajo

October 2021

This project is a virtual classroom for students at UPTValencia, featuring a simulation of a control board, theory, and laboratory practices.

Front-End | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Other Projects

Página “Alarma” de Neat Timer, que constituye la pagina principal del sitio. Muestra un cronometro con dos botones: uno para dividir el tiempo en vueltas y otro para pausar el tiempo.

Neat Timer

Contact Me